Hey readers,
There’s a pretty cool thing I did last year, and this year I’d like to offer it to the readers of OOTOB.
There’s a period of time on the Jewish calendar called “sefirat ha-omer.” It’s the counting of the 49 days from Passover (Pesach) till the holiday of Shavuot, which commemorates the acceptance of the Torah at Sinai. There are 7 major character traits that we are meant to focus on at this time, and each of the seven gets paired with another for each of the 49 days to produce a very fine-tuned trait to focus on.
I used a book by Rabbi Yacov Haber to convey the trait of the day with a particular action point that I sent out on each of the 49 days (usually the night or afternoon before), either via text or email. Last year 75 friends were on the list, and I’d like to offer it to you, my readers. If you wish to receive the message (you can cancel at any time) you may comment below or email me with your preference (text/email) and contact info.
I am at [email protected].
Have a wonderful Passover to my Jewish readers!
thanks, I'd like to get the emails – Chag Kasher v'Sameach!
Great! Just post or email me your email address. Chag kasher v'sameach to you as well!
Hi Ruchi, can you give an example or two, are these about Jewish observance or general character qualities or good deeds or …?
Good idea. Some are "God-oriented" and some are "relationship-oriented" – I try to offer some of each. Here's an example:
Day 20, "Yesod she-b'tiferes" – Foundation within Harmony. When we combine harmonious relationships with the trait of Foundation, the result is true Harmony that is not just skin-deep, but endures forever. When we approach our relationships with honesty, they will be satisfying down to our very core. Action: when you say the words, "thank God," stop and internalize what you are saying. Ensure that people can trust you. Don't be afraid to be respectfully honest in a relationship.
I'd like to receive by email,please
[email protected]
May I just say how much I have liked receiving these and pondering them–and my husband too (not Jewish, hope it's ok to forward them to him)–he was having such work stress, I started forwarding them to him, and he felt like even just considering the message for 10 seconds in a bad moment or dealing with colleagues helped him to refocus away from all the negativity.
Thank you so much for this feedback. Each night when I send it out into the world, I wonder who are the real people reading. So glad that it's been helpful.
I will miss this. Yesterday's really helped me think ahead with less dread about a difficult situation I had. Could this be a yearlong iphone app or something? Maybe it is I guess.
Thanks SBW. I'm so happy to hear that. Actually last year I was asked to continue a similar thing so I've created a segment in JFX's weekly email called "parsha for the perplexed" where I summarize the Torah portion and add an action point for the week.
The 49 days are special, though, and only exist for these 49 days…
Last night I got one about doing kindness for another and accepting difficult people. . . And today I am at the hospital visiting a friend whom I have some difficulties with.
People tell me things like that all the time with these messages. It's rather uncanny.
If you would like to receive these messages this year, let me know!
I would love to get the updates! We love Rabbi Haber (and you!) Chag sameach 🙂
[email protected]
I'd like to receive via email at [email protected]. Thanks, Ruchi.
Yes please, chag Sameach! [email protected]
I would like to receive these. [email protected]
Thank you