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Uncategorized November 19, 2019

Vacation with Myself

This past week, I went on vacation with myself. Notice I say “with myself” and not “by myself” because the point was to spend time with myself, reacquaint me to myself, and listen to the sound of my own mind.

Uncategorized August 18, 2019

Passport to Craziness

When you’re generally a pretty organized person who usually puts things back in the same places each time, and the night before your flight to Israel, Saturday night, you check your drawer for your passport and it’s not there, you’d be excused for freaking out. Which is what I did. 

Uncategorized June 2, 2019


For those of you who are actual adults, you may not be aware that you’re involved in a new millennial sport, and perhaps have been for some time: adulting.

Uncategorized May 20, 2019

Read Write See


Here’s a nice old-fashioned schmoozy post like we used to do. How have you all been? Me, good. Gonna fill you in on where I’ve been and what’s been happening. This is the behind-the-scenes me, not the professionally polished writer you’ve gotten accustomed to (cough, cough).

Uncategorized May 17, 2019

Parenting Regrets

My baby is turning 9 and I’m so grateful for long views and second chances. As our oldest kids are now young adults, my regrets for my parenting mistakes when they were small play a big role in how we parent this little one.