Today I am over at, blogging about cooking, per the upcoming holiday of Shavuot/Shavuos.  (Remember Shavuos?)  For those of you that know Jamie Geller, or own Quick and Kosher, her cookbook, or Meals in Minutes, her newest one, this is her site.  And it’s great.

I’m not really sure what I’m doing here.  See…(furtive glance side-to-side)…I don’t like to cook.

As a rabbi’s wife and mother of seven, though, I cook a-plenty.  But
for me it’s kind of like brushing my teeth.  I do what I need to do to
maintain my reputation as a functional adult, and if it smells good, so
much the better.

But I have tricks!  (…continue reading…)

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Do Women Want To Be in the Kitchen?
The Food…Oy, the Food

Shabbat Dinner Menu and Recipes… My Way