Uncategorized March 1, 2020

Siri, Say My Name

It’s probably not very nice to say that Siri is one of my best friends. It would be more seemly to celebrate an actual human, since I’ve never been a fan of artificial friendships.

Uncategorized February 23, 2020


This past week we had the honor of hosting the “Traveling Chassidim” (google them!) at our annual Jfx Shabbaton weekend retreat. 

Uncategorized February 11, 2020

Devil’s in the Details

Well, the bar mitzvah is over, and I‘ve noticed something weird. When I am hosting an event, I can’t eat. My adrenaline is sky-high and I’m consumed with thinking of my guests and if they are enjoying and comfortable. If you’re anything like me, you’ll recognize some of these obsessive thoughts: