Uncategorized August 28, 2018

Critique Me Not

I was 18, she was ageless. I was young and searching, she was wise and knowing. She was my teacher in my seminary in Israel, and I was open for mentorship. I think I even made up a few questions for the sole purpose of connecting with her.

Uncategorized August 22, 2018

Parenting With Radical Acceptance Online

Hey guys,

I’ve been invited to participate in an online event hosted by Lisa Kafer. Lisa is a healthy lifestyle coach and while her focus is on healthy eating (mine isn’t), she is running this event with various speakers, and my role is to discuss a parent’s role in our kids’ emotional health with an interview on Parenting with Radical Acceptance (check out my Facebook group).

Uncategorized August 12, 2018

Happy Endings

It was an innocent comment at the end of an innocent get-together. She leaned over and conspiratorially whispered in my ear, “Don’t worry, you’ll get your happy ending.”

Uncategorized July 29, 2018


Delta flight 467 from to Tel Aviv seemed completely full. I got an aisle seat, which was nice. I looked around and took note of my seatmates, wondering who was going to keep me company as I headed to my favorite place on earth for another JWRP trip in Israel.

Jewish Inspiration July 15, 2018

Your Stomach is Not a Garbage Can

It was a long time ago – at least 30 years. I was in junior high school and I don’t remember the circumstances. But here’s what I do remember: there was some food that we didn’t want to throw away, and someone said “I’ll eat it, so it doesn’t go to waste.”