My baby is turning 9 and I’m so grateful for long views and second chances. As our oldest kids are now young adults, my regrets for my parenting mistakes when they were small play a big role in how we parent this little one.
My top regret is not being loving enough. I didn’t understand the right balance between unconditional love and setting limits; I was also exhausted and overcommitted. The late nights, early mornings, and mind-numbing endless afternoons made bedtime the feverish coveted finish line that could not be delayed on penalty of death. Whose death? I don’t know.
I thought setting limits and teaching values was the main objective of parenting but now I know that it’s actually this: making your home the most safe, fun, and loving place to be. I wish I could reach a long arm back through time and hug those kids and also myself. I would say “oh honey. Just breathe. It’s good enough. You’re good enough. Love. Just love.”
Nothing is important enough to get angry for, and also please still love yourself if you do. It’s cliche to tell young moms to laugh more and dance in the rain when they’re so exhausted all the time. “Me time” will always come at the expense of these little people; also you need it desperately to be what they need. So my top regret is too much rightness, too much rigidity, too many rules. Not enough giggles, not enough breaking the rules together.
My next regret, as the kids grew, is not being enough of an advocate. When our big kids were small, the school authorities were my parents’ age (and their friends). I was raised to respect my elders and I did. But when I knew in my mommy gut that a certain teacher, rule, project, assignment, or even school was wrong for my kid, docility and deference were mistakes.
I have gone back in my imagination over and over, perseverating over those conversations and like Groundhog Day, finally getting it right in my mind. I’d go from docility to assertiveness for my kid. I’d take on the establishment for him or her. I’d fight city hall! I am mom! Hear me roar.
Now my daughter’s young teachers are the ages of my eldest. But even when they’re not, I have the calm weariness of a warrior and the combined wisdom of mistakes and triumphs. I know what’s true and I am too tired to care if anyone thinks I am a good mom. I’ve gone to bat for my kids with people twice my age and influence, and survived.
My kids only have one mom and one dad and they’re us. No one else will advocate for them as we will and it’s what teaches them that they’re worth advocating for. One day they will know how to do it for themselves, because we’ve shown them.
If my old mantra was “the teacher is always right,” my new mantra is “you are always worth fighting for.” It’s liberating to have shrugged off the heavy cloak of “good parenting.” No one has to think I’m a good parent except my spouse, my kid, me, and G-d. And I’d rather be too loyal than not loyal enough.
But with all this talk of regrets, I believe that everything is meant to be. And if our older kids had these parents, with their limited knowledge and limited scope; limited energy and awareness – well, they also got super motivated and excited parents who were so proud of them and wanted to give them the sun, moon and stars. Nothing is all good or all bad. We also snuggled and giggled and had the best time being a little family. Their journey in this universe is meant to be and I must love the old me as much as I’m proud of the hard-won new me.
So my regrets, then, must also be tempered with self-love. It’s ok; we’re ok. And if we’re not – that’s also ok. That’s how I’m raising my baby. And that’s how I’m raising, ultimately, me.
When my older kid was about 2 years old, someone gave her a nice porcelain cup with bunnies on it. And I only very rarely let her use it because I was worried she would drop it and it would break. She would say “bunny cup!” and I told her we needed to keep it safe and I gave her a plain cup. I could kick myself. Soon enough she didn’t care anymore . . . but at least the cup was safe and intact (eyeroll).
My kids have had their share of troubles. Some practitioners subtly suggest that lack of limits contributed. Eh, I don’t know. We set pretty ordinary, reasonable limits. They are good kids. They aren’t great at doing chores unprompted (un-nagged), but what teenagers are? They are kind, to a fault. They want to do the right thing most of the time. I don’t feel bad that we didn’t set more limits.
It’s actually a relief to hear other parents feel the same way. I tell the kids and myself sometimes, “Everyone is doing the best they can all the time.” And in DBT they teach kids how to think both “I’m doing my best” and “I can do better” at the same time. That lesson seems more important than focusing too much on limits.
Thank you for this. It eased my conscience a bit. I think we actually get a lot of bad advice as newish moms and it’s hard to know who to listen to because clearly listening to ourselves feels too scary. Sigh.
The most gorgeous thing I read in a long time. It seriously brought tears to my eyes.
Thank you for being H-shem’s messenger with this timely piece.
Thank you Blima ❤️
Beautifully written, Ruchi. Your children are fortunate to have you as their mom.
Thank you!!
Not unlike top-notch athletes, we don’t always “hit it out of the park” or cross the finish line first. What happens if we strike out? We’re still on the team, right? Your beautifully authentic article, reminded me that the whole picture counts and that parents make mistakes that can be healed by showing up differently today. Keep sharing your wisdom, you’re a gift to all of us in the trenches!
I love that analogy. It’s one of the most exciting things about parenthood. It’s for life. And you always get more chances.
Beautifully said. And good reminders. Thank you.
Hello, everybody. I am a long-time reader of OOTOB, but this is the first time leaving a comment. I feel slightly embarassed, especially because this computer I’m using as no spelling correction and English is not my mother tongue. Whatever.
I am not yet a mother, so I still see things from the other side of the fence – the children side (despite being almost 30, lol). It was fascinating and moving to read your account, and I appreciate the honesty and bravery it takes to have this conversation – in public, on top of that. As I think more and more about starting my own family, I get more conscious about the effort it takes and the responsibility it entails – to be someone else’s *mother*, the one and only they will have, one of the person responsible for (how can I put it?) introducing them to the world and the world to them. Sometimes I tell myself not to worry too much, because a lot of people are doing it, but most of the time I am in awe thinking “how do they do that?”. But I digress.
The thing that makes me feel more relaxed, and which I thought I could share with you, is that looking at my (ongoing) experience as a daughter, I realize that I have learned tremendously not only from my parents good example, but from their mistakes as well. Granted, they weren’t great mistakes, but I don’t think yours were, as well (if they were mistakes at all. There is merit in setting some limits, I believe, though there is undeniable merit in letting go). In any case, there are some behaviors of my parents that I think could have done with some improvement, and therefore I resolved to try and implement (does it make sense, what I am saying?) the improvement I wanted. And though I not always succeed, it has helped me grow as a person, and to develop in ways that – paradoxically – maybe I wouldn’t have explored had I had perfect parents (who do not exist, as we all know).
Parents will make mistakes. It is encomiable that they check themselves and see what could be improved. But I also believe that no matter how some of their flaws might have hurt us, as long as the environment they’ve proviede was, overall, positive and loving, we’ll be allright. We might even discover that the places where they were less stellar are the places where we explore and discover our potential and blossom.
Camilla, you’re not the first person to share that this piece resonated as a daughter. Your comment really made me feel good so thanks for that 🙂 I also believe there is a “meant to be” aspect to the children and parents we are given. Our mistakes and our strengths are growing points for our kids. So don’t think too hard about whether you can do it. But also it’s a big responsibility 😉
beautifully written! Thank you for the reminder and words of wisdom.
Thank you ❤️