Conversations with God


Conversations With G-d Prayers for Jewish Women
by Ruchi Koval

When the heart is full of gratitude, there is prayer. When the soul is full of pain, there is prayer. When it seems there is no one to talk to or nothing to say, there is prayer.



Conversations With G-d Prayers for Jewish Women
by Ruchi Koval

Kindle Customer
Kindle Customer
August 24, 2022
Conversations with God: Prayers for Jewish Women: Beautifully Written Book
Add to your bedside table for this book will add to your prayer life greatly. It is comprehensive, thoughtful, and geared towards the importance of the Jewish Woman to the family and the community. Rebbetzin Koval has provided a gem. I am so glad I purchased this beautiful book.
October 7, 2021
Conversations with God: Prayers for Jewish Women: Not traditional
This prayer book has many traditional Jewish prayers but it also contains Catholic ideas such as giving money to secure your safety or answered prayer. These are not Torah teaching ideas.
Barbara Pudlo
Barbara Pudlo
June 16, 2021
Conversations with God: Prayers for Jewish Women: One of my most valued books.
I love this book. It is easy to understand and helps your mind to focus on God when you sit down to pray or read.
Miri Gilad
Miri Gilad
September 12, 2020
Conversations with God: Prayers for Jewish Women: Wonderful book
I am blessed to know Ruchi and her family. We belong to their wonderful congratulations JFX. I bought this book when it first came out. I am not religious however, this prayer book gives me such comfort and insight when I recite the prayers. Together with my 9 year old son we say Shema every night. This book is very special and unique as it’s writer. I highly recommend it.
Insightful shopper
Insightful shopper
June 22, 2020
Conversations with God: Prayers for Jewish Women: Doesn’t provide in depth explanation of prayer
As a Jewish woman, I was looking forward to learning more about Jewish prayer from this book but this is not what I expected.The book presents some basic prayers without any context or narrative, nor provides the background or placement of the prayers either in the service or when praying individually. If you are looking to understand the context or have an in-depth explanation of prayers, this is not your book. But if you just want to have a compilation of prayers without much explanation, then it may work for you.
Gina Ortega Cortes
Gina Ortega Cortes
February 12, 2020
Conversations with God: Prayers for Jewish Women: Is in English and Hebrew.
I love this book it has beautiful prayers. I got it as a gift from my daughter.
Bibliophile Equestrienne
Bibliophile Equestrienne
July 31, 2019
Conversations with God: Prayers for Jewish Women: Highly recommended
In Prayers for Women, many of the regular daily prayers are organized like in an abridged Siddur and more women specific prayers are offered in addition there to. I purchased the hardcover edition, which is very nicely bound and suitable for gifting to any lady, aged 12 and up.
April 22, 2018
Conversations with God: Prayers for Jewish Women: so what's not to like about the book
It brought me closer to God, so what's not to like about the book.
Beth R
Beth R
December 8, 2017
Conversations with God: Prayers for Jewish Women: A must-have book to have on hand!
Love this easily accessible, beautiful book about prayer and so much more. I like that it is not a book that I read cover-to-cover, but rather savor a bit at a time.
November 9, 2017
Conversations with God: Prayers for Jewish Women: The answer to our prayers.
Thank you Ruchy Koval for answering our prayers!!! This book is just what was needed to get us focused and simplify the mystery of the siddur!

When the heart is full of gratitude, there is prayer. When the soul is full of pain, there is prayer. When it seems there is no one to talk to or nothing to say, there is prayer.

Jewish prayer gives wings to our emotions and words to our yearnings. It has the power to uplift, articulate, and clarify. Formal prayer is crucial. In addition, praying informally, personally, and often, can be a deeply rewarding exercise in spirituality and in our relationship with Hashem.

In this meaningful, touching, and deep book, Ruchi Koval has explained and added personal connection to some of the most fundamental Jewish prayers, as well as created and adapted some new ones for contemporary Jewish women – all written for all Jewish women, whether ‘observant’, ‘just Jewish’, or just beginning to daven.

A brief introduction precedes each prayer explaining when it is said and it’s purpose. Each prayer includes the original Hebrew text, as well as transliteration, and a translation that brings out it’s essence. Following the prayer is a “takeaway” which makes the prayer personal and help internalize it’s message.

Tefillah is referred to as “service of the heart.” With this unique book, we can open our hearts to G-d, our families, and ourselves.

About the Author:
Ruchi Koval is the co-founder and director of the Jewish Family Experience, a family education center and Sunday school. She is a certified parenting coach, runs Torah-based character-development groups for women, and is a motivational speaker. Ruchi and her husband, Rabbi Sruly Koval, live in Cleveland, Ohio.

“A wonderful and attainable point of departure, a springboard to the journey of a lifetime … warm and insightful … accessible, uplifting, and enriching.”
-Rebbetzin Feige Twerski

“This is not just any book … [it] masterfully gives access to a real and personal relationship with one’s Creator. Prayers are soulfully explained. They are understood and can now be embraced on the deepest level.”
-Lori Palatnik, JWRP

Dimensions: 6″ x 9″
ISBN: 978-1-937887-56-8
Weight: 1.0560 lbs
Binding: Hard Cover / 216 pages
Published by: Mosaica Press