I am available to speak in your city, for your organization, business, school, sisterhood, or synagogue.

I am a Trip Leader for Momentum, inspiring thousands of women on their journeys in Israel, and have spoken all over North America and Israel in cities such as Cleveland, Cincinnati, Columbus, Charleston, Detroit, Baltimore, Washington, DC, Houston, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, San Diego, Palo Alto, Chicago, Denver, Orlando, Atlanta, Palm Beach, Providence, Portland, NYC, Jacksonville, Teaneck, Edison, Dallas, South Bend, Toronto, Pittsburgh, San Antonio. Contact me for fee and scheduling information at outoftheorthobox@gmail.com.

“Ruchi Koval is an engaging speaker who is able to share deep thoughts in a practical and inspiring way. Her humor and down to earth delivery reaches all who have the privilege of hearing her.”  — Lori Palatnik, founding director of Momentum.

Speaking Topics:

  1. Shalom in the Home: the secret to successful relationships In this talk we explore why relationships of all kinds seem to be so difficult to navigate. I offer Jewish wisdom to shed light on the subject, followed by practical steps to meet our relationships goals.
  2. Orchids, Dandelions, and the Myth of “Good Parenting” This talk helps parents of all ages understand what is and isn’t “good parenting” and why parenting is never about results. Open your eyes to the child in front of you, instead of the child you wish you had.
  3. How To Live an Inspired Life: stories of a Holocaust legend Why those who should be the most angry and bitter sometimes seem to be the most inspired of us all — and what we can learn from their habits.
  4. Four Ways to Become the Greatest Version of Yourself Just as a well-run business always seeks to improve, a well-run human should aspire to do the same. Here are some powerful tips to bring out the very best you.
  5. Sweat the Small Stuff: making a big difference in small ways The way we show up in the world can make an incredible impact — and sometimes it’s the smallest tweaks that make the greatest difference.
  6. Old Dogs, New Tricks: the power of change Why we are afraid of change, and what are the big ideas that can combat those fears.
  7. Soul Construction Shape your character using 8 steps from the timeless Jewish practice of mussar. Based on my 2nd book, “Soul Construction.”
  8. No Judges, No Grudges: how to quiet that judgy voice Getting along with others often includes suspending the negative judgments in our heads. How do we do that?
  9. Unity without Uniformity: our superpower How can we as the Jewish people harness our unity and become a better team? How can we heal the rifts among us?
  10. Letter from my Father My dad’s dying words encompass all the wisdom I needed to know…
  11. How to Cure Worry for Good Worrying is a great way to obsess over our future while robbing ourselves of our present. Yet most of us engage in this destructive practice. Here are some techniques to let it go.
  12. Finding Your Niche How do we know where to put our focus in this world? What should we be looking for in determining our life’s path? Here are some observations inspired by my own life’s journeys.
  13. Happiness is a Choice Is happiness a goal? A destination? A byproduct? Here’s how to put the keys to happiness in our own pockets.
  14. 12 Steps to Greatness The 12-step programs, originated by Bill Wilson, founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, has helped millions of people find sobriety and serenity. And all 12 steps are grounded in ancient Jewish wisdom. Use the steps as a guidepost for personal greatness for any thoughtful human being.

Check out my YouTube channel to see me in action.


The Jewish Study Network (San Francisco Bay Area) was thrilled to have brought out Ruchi Koval for a speaking engagement on November 11, 2012.  Ruchi’s workshop,
“Sweat the Small Stuff,” was incredibly well received.  Our audience found the content enriching and inspiring in addition to having a strong practical component.  The women left with new self-development tools to strengthen themselves internally and to deepen their interpersonal relationships.  Ruchi’s delivery was compelling, as she illustrated her points with anecdotes or stories to make them more palatable; her wit
and humor was an additional plus.  Across the board, Ruchi was a hit!

Thank you Ruchi for your whirlwind West Coast Adventure.
Laura Marder
Palo Alto, CA

We were privileged to have Ruchi Koval speak for us recently and I want
to highly recommend her.  Ruchi was definitely a hit and a top speaker. After
the event many of the women expressed to me how glad they were for coming and those that didn’t, their faces showed how much they enjoyed Ruchi’s personable, intelligent and very practical approach.  The women always tell me how much they like her blog for its respectful, intelligent content.

Chaya Porter
Owings Mills, MD

Ruchi added an incredible amount of meaning and depth to our Shabbaton in Cincinnati, OH. Her lectures and discussions were inspiring, funny, thought-provoking and insightful. We have received phenomenal feedback from the over one hundred participants and we can’t wait to learn from her again soon!

Tamar Smith