OK, folks. Buckle your seat belts. OOTOB is making some great new changes, and here’s what you can expect:
1. My new domain.
Check out your URL bar. See how it says “outoftheorthobox.com” instead of the “blogspot” domain? Yup, we’re growing up. Cutting the blogspot apron strings and paying our own rent. Whether you find this as exciting as I do, I don’t know, but I’m liking it. I’ll also have an @outoftheorthobox.com email address, which I’ll update on the contact page as soon as it’s live.
2. Spreading my reach.
For a long time I resisted any other social media platform other than my familiar Facebook. I even tried and left Twitter for awhile, and surely laughed that a place like Pinterest would make room for this blog. But I’ve been educating myself on blogging and have decided to join those two platforms – not as myself, Ruchi Koval, but as OOTOB – just to put my blog in front of more eyeballs. I’m building my reach slowly. Help me by finding and following me on Twitter and Pinterest (and Facebook if you haven’t yet done so, where I’ve created an OOTOB page – something else I’ve resisted for awhile), and sharing, liking, pinning, retweeting, favoriting my content there when you like it!
Note: on both Twitter and Pinterest, you can find me by searching for “Out of the Ortho Box” or outoftheorthobo – notice the missing “x.” That’s because they limit your letters. Just click the link above and you’ll be taken to my page.
3. Blog makeover.
It’s time to move off a free template from Blogger and actually get a designer to snazz up the blog. I will definitely stick to orange, my favorite color and an optimistic one, and to the contemporary, clean feel, but I’m going to be adding some fun stuff:
- You’ll be able to find me on social media and email from the home page.
- You’ll be able to share each post on social media and email at the end of each post.
- I will still retain the easy, no-need-to-log-in-and-create-an-account method of commenting, so no worries there.
- I will have different pages for each different type of post (more on this soon).
- In general, it will have a cooler, more interesting look – not exactly sure what. I’m in the process of hiring a designer and I’m welcoming suggestions!
4. Categories.
It has long bothered me that I have something of an identity crisis here on the blog. Like, I’m not exactly sure who I’m talking to when I post. Some of my posts address non-Orthodox Jews, explaining why we do certain things, or how to do them. Some are simply Jewish inspiration, more addressed to religiously-oriented readers who are looking for that. Sometimes I make controversial observations. To whom am I speaking? Well, I finally sorted this out in my mind. I am talking to all of you. There are non-Jews, atheists, Orthodox Jews, and Jews who have never met an Orthodox Jew, and they are reading this blog. So I have eight different types of posts on this blog, and some of my readers will find some of them interesting and others not – and maybe some will find only a fraction of them interesting, and others will find all types potentially interesting. And that’s okay, because I’m serving a super-diverse readership and this is a good way to do it.
To that end, I’ve gone back in to all 238 of my old posts and assigned each one one or more of the eight categories, and I’m going to create a page for each, so you’ll be able to click on the page and see all the posts I’ve ever written in that category. Fun, right?
Further, with each of my future posts I will scroll regularly through each category, so you’re getting an even range of my different types of posts.
Here are the eight:
1. Book reviews
2. Interviews
3. How-to Judaism
4. Controversial observations (these will require a glass of wine prior to posting)
5. Why Orthodox Jews do the things they do
6. Q&A received from real people in the real world
7. Jewish inspiration
8. (This is a new category) My favorite round-up of Jewish posts from around the web
I will also periodically, but not regularly, post about Jewish food, and about me and the blog.
5. Future posts.
Monday will be the day that I put up each new post. You can expect a new post each week, barring unusual circumstances. For those of you signed up via email (and see the right sidebar to sign up if you’d like to get an email with each new post) you will get the email around 1 am or 2 am early Tuesday morning. This is an automated system that sends out all posts published within the previous hours. It is not me staying up till 2 am to email you.
On the day I post something new, I’ll post it to Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest right away, and the email will come that night.
Got it?? Those are all my updates. I’m really excited about bringing the blog to the next level and making it more professional, even-handed, beautiful, far-reaching, and ultimately, educational and unifying. Thanks for being my partners in making it so.
It is a pleasure watching OOTOB grow up. You are doing good work. Shep naches!
Thank you so much, Miriam! That is so kind of you. Thanks for being a great part of that.
Yay! This makes me so happy. You deserve a bigger audience, as I've said so many times, and I'm glad you're taking it upon yourself to help get the word out about your wonderful work.
One recommendation: have you thought of using a third-party commenting system like Disqus or Facebook? I think it would be really helpful for your discussions, for a number of reasons, mainly that you can order them by popularity and thus improve discussions around posts.
Just a thought! Mazel tov on moving forward and can't wait to see what the future brings.
Thanks Elad. You know you've been instrumental in helping to share my work with others, and your work continually inspires mine as well.
Re comment systems, I specifically like the default one since it's super-easy for non-techies to comment. Signing in is an obstacle.
Elad's argument for Disqus is precisely what I dislike about it: I find that with Disqus it's quite hard to follow discussions, because they aren't chronological anymore, so you can't always follow argument>counter-argument>counter-counter-argument etc.
Plus on some other blogs I read I sometimes feel that since the "popularity" of a comment comes into play, people are tempted to formulate their comments in a more confrontational manner (presumably to attract more attention?) I suppose this wouldn't be too much of an issue with OOTOB, because it's moderated, but I really dislike this system…
I dislike Discus when I comment on other blogs, so I wouldn't install it on mine.
I also like to read comments chronologically. You can set Disqus to be chronological, though. But it bothers me that on Facebook pages (i.e., organizational stuff) you can't get comments in chronological order. Makes it very hard to follow discussions. I don't care which comments are the most popular.
If she used Discus I would probably stop commenting. I don't want all my comments indexable across blogs.
Gah! No, that can't happen.
I think commenting an Disqus without signing in ( as a "guest") would eliminate the issue.
Ugh. I didn't realize that Discus did that. Oh well.
This is all kinds of awesome. You are such a blessing to the Jewish people, and I wish you many blessings in putting your POV out there.
Kate, that is just so kind of you to say. Thank you for all the great conversations we've had, and AMEN to your blessings.
I hope you keep the letters surging out of the box, I like that design! Interested to see the changes. Sad that it's only once a week. Impressed by you going back to 238 posts to recategorize. Lots of work!!
I know. I am planning on keeping the logo. I like it too! It's been about once a week anyway, recently, so no major changes there.
I figured this was a good time to leave my first comment and say congratulations on the cool changes! I have read your blog for about half a year and really enjoy it. I am not Jewish but have many friends who are and have enjoyed spending holidays with them. Your blog is such a great bridge, not just for Jews of different streams but between all people. Looking forward to all the neat stuff coming up!
Irene, I so appreciate your taking the time to comment. I hope that you continue to enjoy (and contribute) for many years to come!
Thanks!! The first comment is always the biggest hurdle so it should be easier from now on! 🙂
What I love so much about this post how it shows so clearly the way a great blog grows and develops when the writer pays attention to the strongest parts of her voice and the give and take that's happening with the readership. You have a great grasp on what works here and it's awesome that you've nailed it down to 8 categories. Can't wait to the see the new look. All of that is secondary to content anyway, so it's already a win.
Nina, thanks for parsing that for me. I appreciate the validation and encouragement! Looking forward to sharing more of each other's insights!
Oh no, I just reread your entry and realized you'd only be posting once a week! :(((
Sure, it'll at least make for something to look forward to on Mondays, but I liked getting my OOTOB fix more often!
🙂 Truthfully, I haven't posted more frequently than that since awhile ago. But thanks for making me feel good!
I know that lately you've been posting about once weekly, but it's different checking in to see if maybe… maybe… you posted something new during the week vs. knowing that there's no point in hoping 😀
I would like to humbly lobby for more than once a week. In my experience of the (very few) blogs I read, there is a sense of energy that goes along with having ongoing conversation, and most conversations about a post don't last more than a couple of days. And also there is the need-to-click energy that comes with more frequent posts to respond to. Obviously, however, that would be more work for you to post more often, and moderate comments.
Of course, you are right. The more often I post, the better. But this is what's workable for me right now 🙂