I get asked a lot of interesting questions. The most interesting part is how many recur – very few are original. The questions I get asked are usually prefaced by a few common introductions, such as, “Can I ask you a really stupid question?” “I hope you don’t mind my asking this, but…” But I love questions. Because they open the lines of communication. And that makes me happy. And when momma is happy, everybody be happy.
And here are the winners:
1. If God is all-powerful, why do bad things happen to good people?
Note: this questions appears in various forms and may be hard to discern under the alias. Like, why are bad things happening to me? Am I being punished? Am I truly that bad?
Answer: I do not answer this question unless it’s in person; I have time to transmit the ideas I’ve learned in full; and I know the people I am talking to and what their questions really are.
2. Is that your hair sticking out from under your hat?
Answer: if you see it, it’s not my hair. It’s my wig!
3. How do you have time for everything?
Answer: I don’t. But I will not compromise on my sleep (though I do suffer from insomnia) or on household help. Also I really insist on my kids’ help in accepting responsibility around the house. Also, my husband is an amazing help. Also, I believe that God helps me because He wants me to succeed.
4. How do you remember all your kids’ birthdays and appointments and activities?
Answer: God gifted me with a good memory and an organized orientation. Also, my Droid.
5. Do you guys speak Hebrew at home?
Answer: no, English is my first language and that’s what we speak at home. Although I confess, it IS liberally sprinkled with Hebrew and Yiddish references.
Example: Come here! Let me wash your henties (hands, Yiddish). Oy! You’re so cute I could just plotz (pass out, Yiddish)!!
6. How do you have three teenagers? You look so young.
Answer: Can you ask me that again? I didn’t hear you the first time.
Real answer: Exercise and good genes.
Real answer, for real: I am so young. I got started young!
7. Were you Orthodox your whole life?
Note: I always wonder here, what the “right” answer is. Are people hoping to hear “yes” or “no”? Do I present as an FFB or a BT? Does it matter?
Answer: yup. But that doesn’t make me a blind follower. It’s always been important to me to ask tough questions and make intellectual sense of that with which I’ve been raised. The more I probe, the more I love.
8. Are you Chassidic?
Answer: no.
9. Are you Amish?
Answer: no.
10. Are you Chabad?
Answer: no.
Note: if you are Chassidic, Amish, or Chabad, I’d love to hear from you for a future post.
What questions have been posed to you about your Judaism?