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Uncategorized December 31, 2012

2012 Round-up and Commenter Awards!

Dear OOTOB readers,

2012 is coming to an end and we ring in 2013.  Now, that actually means very little to me, other than my checks will all be wrong for awhile, but it’s a fun time to reflect back on where OOTOB has been this year – the highs, the lows, and the commenters – all of you!

My most popular post this year was my interview with Libby, my new Chassidish friend, back in July.  At this moment the post has been viewed 4,197 times (for contrast, popular post #2, about what you need to know as a guest at an Orthodox Shabbat, from August 2011, has 3,608 hits).  To this day the most frequent search terms that bring people to the blog involve Chassidish people and specifically “Hasidic” women.  Libby is astonished at the interest, btw.  She claims there are far more interesting posts here :).

My least popular post of 2012 was… surprise!  An infomercial.  And it was the very next post after Libby’s interview.

The post with the most comments was about whether Orthodox Jews consider Reform Jews to be Jewish – with 361 comments, back in April.  That was exhilarating, even if we had to keep refreshing the page to continue the conversation.

For least amount of comments (excluding posts that link to guest posts elsewhere), a few of them only got one: in August, about how we manage to spend time with all our numerous relatives; in June, about how religious leadership must comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable (ironic, since it got almost 500 hits – and is also a very popular google search topic that brings people here); in March, some philosophical musings about wheels and windows; and this one really surprised me, my January post Half-Judaism (which also got a couple hundred hits).


4,146 comments have been published on OOTOB since its inception in July 2011.

While most of my commenters are anonymous and using an alias, I know who most of them are…heh heh heh.  Blogging has its perks, you see.  And while I never reveal that which is confidential, I’d like to honor my most frequent commenters with some awards!  Here goes:

1. The LINKING LIVING LIBRARY award goes to none other than Larry Lennhoff.  A virtual storehouse of online info, he is also to be credited for using his real name.  I know how scary that is.  Thanks, Larry, for educating us and for always keeping the conversation fascinating.

2. The NON-ORTHODOX  and BEST CONVERSATIONALIST award goes to…SBW (aka Should Be Working).  SBW asks the questions many others are thinking and brings an awesome perspective to this blog.  She (since she has outed herself as female) also hangs around even though rough evidence indicates this blog is 70% Orthodox.  Not easy.  Kudos!


4. And now, for the ALMOST USES HER REAL NAME AND ADDS SUCH BEAUTIFUL THOUGHTS award goes to miriambyk.  I just love her insights and braveness.  Hey, miriambyk!

5. The MOST EXOTIC PERSPECTIVE award goes by far to Diplogeek, who resides in China (I think?) and, as a convert to Judaism, brings some great views to the table.  Thanks for hanging with us, Diplogeek!

6. A newcomer to the blog, “Anonymous/Orthoprax,” at least from my perspective, wins for MOST INTRIGUING LIFE award.  I would love to learn more about you, A/O!  Thanks for adding your thoughts.

7. And finally, the award for I NEVER KNOW IF YOU’RE THE SAME PERSON WHEN YOU POST goes to “Sarah.”  I always wonder: are you the same Sarah every time?  Or are there multiple Sarahs here?

So that’s my 2012 round-up!  Hope you enjoy the little click down memory lane.  Once again, I’d like to express my gratitude to all of you, my readers, and to all of my commenters, for making this roller coaster worth it.

Happy 2013.  May all your dreams come true.

What was your most favorite/least favorite post?  Who’s your favorite commenter?

Uncategorized December 14, 2012

A Mensch

When they asked me, “What are you looking for?” I said, “A mensch.”

A mensch first and foremost.

Someone who takes his Judaism seriously, but also knows how to have a good time.
Someone who comes from a great family.
Tall wouldn’t hurt.
But really?  Someone who is kind.  Patient.  Pays attention to others.

On a date, we passed a toll booth.
You said to the toll collector, with a big smile, “Hi there!!  How are
you doing today??”  Your enthusiasm was so genuine and kind.  As we
rolled away from the window, you said, “Enjoy the rest of your day!”
And I thought, I’m going to marry that guy.  (Not the toll

And now, nearly 20 years later, a lot has changed.  Glasses styles. 
Hair color.  Important things, too.  But something hasn’t changed. 
You’re still that ultimate mensch – the one that likes to bring joy to
others.  The one that won’t say no if someone asks for a favor.  The one
that no one can say no to, if you ask a favor, because you are just so,
so, so nice.

I couldn’t have asked for a better role model in being a mensch.

Happy birthday, Sruly.

Uncategorized November 15, 2012

Reach Out

The drive confuses me, sometimes,
to reach out.

I want to take it higher bigger better
shout from the rooftops
or whatever is the professionally appropriate equivalent.

I look around.

It seems
a lot of people are content
in their own little corners
doing good
taking care of families
talking on the phone with friends,

what’s that emotion, there?  Come back, you.
I want to chat with you.
What are you?
Envy?  I’m curious.  Yes, you.
Explain yourself, little one.

You want, too, to sit in a sweet little corner of privacy?  And just be?
You lie.  You wouldn’t be happy.
What’s that?  You want to be happy with that?

Well.  This is what God gave you.  He gave you this drive.
And you don’t always need to understand it.
And you don’t always need to love it.
but know: it’s yours.  And always will be.
So go out there now.
and do what you need to do.

And you, little envy, sweetie… go on, now.  Go find somewhere else to play.

Uncategorized October 31, 2012

Quick Show of Hands

What percentage of my readership is Orthodox?  Please leave me a short comment, even if you are not a “commenter”: are you Orthodox?
Yes, no, sometimes, unsure?
Uncategorized September 12, 2012

Shanah Tova and Blogging Break

Wishing all of my readers a happy, healthy sweet new year.
May all your prayers be answered for the good.
May forgiveness be sought and granted.
May the new start provide motivation and hope.
I’ll be back in about a month.
Till then, shana tova!
Uncategorized August 26, 2012

It's My Birthday!

Mazel tov!  I’m 38, which means my Hebrew birth date and my secular calendar birth date coincide.  For most folks, this occurs first on the 19th birthday, and then every 19 years, but in my case my 19th birthdays were a day apart (I was engaged that year!), so this is a first for me.
May I ask for a birthday gift? 

In the comment section, would you take a moment to share what was your favorite OOTOB post and why?  I’d love that!

Thanks, readers – whether you read sometimes or always, are a commenter or not, agree with me or don’t, or sometimes share my posts.  I appreciate every single one of you.

‘Till 120: l’chaim!

Uncategorized August 13, 2012

How We Have a Family Reunion

Short answer:
Either at a family wedding, or in bite-sized pieces.

With over 50 first cousins, I will leave it to you to guess if we are still doing holidays all together (NOT).  Us older married kids host our own holidays, and the younger marrieds go to the parents/in-laws.  Since my in-laws live in town, we are fortunate that we can go and visit whenever the siblings and cousins come to town.

But my family mostly lives in New Jersey and New York, and that’s why we have decided to do a winter road trip and a summer road trip each year so that we can all spend time together.  (We do not attempt to fly. For too many reasons to enumerate.)

So we’re off.  (Dear thieves: there are still occupants in my house.  Large, strong ones.  Just sayin.)
We’ll be based in Lakewood, NJ, where my parents and two sisters  live, with day trips to Monsey, NY to see my grandparents, aunts and uncles, plus some Kovals that reside there; Brooklyn to see my grandma and brother and family; Long Island, to drive my son back to school and also to visit my father’s grave at Wellwood Cemetery; and spending Shabbat with my younger brother (my DNA twin) and his wife and kids.  And we’ll retrieve my daughter from the camp bus!

So I may be AWOL for a bit… or not!  Hard to say when the blogging bug will bite.  Ta-ta! 

How do you organize family get-togethers?