Tisha B’av Lamentation
dedicated to our troubled youth
For the sadness and pain
I cry
For the broken relationships and shattered dreams
For expectations reputations justifications
I cry
For our boys and girls, confused and empty, I cry
That we’ve failed them – I cry
We’ve crushed and suffocated their spirits
The spark of God, hiding
For this I cry
Sweet son and daughter of Zion
Holy, pure and beautiful
Souls of snow and hearts of gold
For you I cry
For your pain, for your clouded eyes
For your friends who have left you
For the hurtful words said to you
For the schools that let you go
That couldn’t understand
And the job you couldn’t keep
For all the therapists who couldn’t help
For the piercings and substances that numb your pain
For the Holy Temple I cry
Because it was for everyone
God’s presence in exile
Just like you
Your soul wanders, alone, unwanted and unfulfilled
Imo anochi b’tzarah
I’m with you
For this I cry
For this I wail
For this I pray
When the princes and princesses of our nation
Shall once again be allowed
To discover their beauty
Their worth
Their value
Then I will know
This Kinah from all the kinos I said, had the most effect on me. I shared it with others and these are some of the replies I got:
Wow! she really writes well!
It breaks my heart.
Thanks for sharing!
Painful but powerful words!
Very well written. At the same time it is also extremely heartrending and painful. Unfortunately there are too many parents and children going through this pain. Hopefully Moshiach was born this Tisha B’Ab and will come quickly and help solve these problems. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you Ari for responding and sharing this feedback. May all our prayers be answered and all our tears dried!