I love to read and have a diverse nightstand. The top book, All the Light We Cannot See, is gripping and sobering. My daughter and book-buddy Yitty read it and kept leaving it in strategic places so I’d start it. Once I did I couldn’t stop. It’s historical fiction, meticulously researched, set in World War II France and Germany. It will help you understand how a regular person could become a Nazi. I cried more than once, mostly over parent-child interactions.
Jewish Soul Food was sent to me as a review copy by the author Carol Ungar. It’s part cookbook, part history and meaning of Jewish food. Kinda reminded me of this post from 5 years ago. It’s got a lot of great content and recipes. Anything But Typical was recommended to me by one of OOTOB’s readers, Should be Working. It’s a fictitious account written from the perspective of a boy with Asperger’s. Guess if I cried? I did – but it left me more uplifted than sad. The main thing I took away was how rich the inner emotional world is of the Aspie; the gap occurs in the transmission of that world to others. This is OK with me. I don’t have to know all of it. I just want to know it’s there.
The next book, There’s Nothing Wrong With You, was written by a Zen woman. The premise of this is that most people grow up thinking, due to external messages, that they are deficient and must change. Wendy, my friend who recommended this book to me, is a regular attendee of my mussar classes, wherein we talk almost exclusively about growth and change. The premise of mussar is addressing the ennui and complacency that many feel, and seeking to inspire people to rise above and become better. This work comes at personal growth from the other angle: for those of you who are constantly berating yourselves, relax and love yourselves just as you are. I’ve been thinking a lot about the intersection of these ideas.
Breakthrough is a book written by Rabbi Uri Zohar, Israel’s most famous celebrity-turned-religious rabbi. My friend Aliza Bulow recommended this on Facebook and it’s the combined wisdom of his story raising a large family of religious kids in Israel after renouncing his wildly successful secular celeb lifestyle. Most of Rabbi Zohar’s children left the fold and most have returned to a religious life. He chronicles ideas of love, respect, and compassion. He is a beautiful soul.
And finally, The Rainbow Comes and Goes – by Gloria Vanderbilt and her son Anderson Cooper. Full of betrayal, mistakes, trauma, and lost opportunities, it is haunting. Each author is so honest and real. Some of the escapades were hard for me to swallow, and I also couldn’t help feeling a wee bit commercialized. Like, if they wouldn’t be famous, would the book be as interesting? I think so, but I also think Cooper’s side could have been deepened. I’m not sure why it wasn’t.
Here is my favorite book list compiled over several years. I’d love to hear your favorites and why. Next to each I wrote who recommended it to me. As you can see I don’t just read. I need to know before I devote my precious time that it’s a worthwhile read, and I rely on my friends and family for the referrals.
Quiet by Susan Cain – Shari Goldberg
Spark by Kristine Barnett – my sister-in-law’s mother actually sent me a random email about it
The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman – everyone I know, but first Robin Green
Help Thanks Wow by Anne Lamott – Shari Goldberg
Climbing Jacob’s Ladder by Alan Morinis – gosh, I can’t remember
When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalathiri – Yitty
Lucky Man by Michael J Fox – I read about it in a magazine at a doctor’s office
For Parents and Teenagers by William Glasser – one of my therapists
Thinking in Pictures by Temple Grandin – probably Shari Goldberg!
How to Talk so Kids Will Listen & Listen so Kids Will Talk by Faber and Mazlisch – I read this like 15 years ago and can’t remember who suggested it but it’s a classic
The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo – can’t remember
Mindset by Carol Dwek – found it while googling something for a class
The Price of Privilege by Madeline Levine – I think I read about it in a magazine
Happy reading!
I loved seeing your list! Where to begin? I’m reading Mindset right now and in conjunction with it a book by Dr. Joe Dispenza called Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself . Another winner-winner-chicken-dinner by Cheri Huber is “Trying to be Human.”
Thanks Wendy. Always love your recommendations.
I love knowing what you’re reading!
Thanks Nina!
Ok so I’ve SO often thought of doing a “whats on my nightstand” type of post like this – I always have a huge stack of stuff, similar but also different. usually self-help, a lot of health related stuff. my husband jokes that i cant even use the light to read at night b/c the tall stack of books blocks it 🙂 i once heard – “A bookworm who doesn’t have time to read is like a chocoholic who doesnt have time for chocolate” lol
anyway, a few of yours sounded interesting, (i’ve only read a few) gonna have to check them out – amazon is a reference for me as well – those powerful reviews are just too easy to trust 🙂
if 5 love languages is on there, what abt mars/venus?
also, from the same authors as “how to speak” there’s the less famous but just as good “Liberated PArents, Liberated child”
just finished the japanese tidying one – loved it, gotta get a move on it now! do you actually implement it??
feel like i watched a ted talk on mindset, pretty sure i did, she sounds awesome
if you liked when breath becomes air, feel like you’d also like Checklist Manifesto
you shoudl totally be an amazon associate and make commission from all the ppl who buy the books b/c of you! start linking products on ur blog!
here’s mine, the ** ones are ones i am so sure you just must read if you havent read them already, tho not sure how much my opinion counts 🙂 let me know if you do end up getting your hands on any of these!!
surrendered wife – a game changer for ALL Those who read it. totally politically incorrect, based (unintentionally) on jewish values, written by a random woman who then became famous. definitely valuable material for all strong personalities out there wanting to have a happy marriage
Reb shlomo – the peak of R’Freifeld’s gadlus – great, short anecdotes that blow your mind and give hope for the world of real sincere chinuch. good for speech material for all crowds!
** Hope for the flowers – a childrens book but with many, many great adult lessons, brought out in an interesting, cute story line. for all ages.
7 principles for making marriage work – a classic but SO different than your typical marriage book. i cant imagine you havent read this already.
** Brushstrokes – short novel in the category of kiruv stories – hard to find, out of print. written well and extremely thought-provoking (altho havent read it since high school)
crucial conversations – easy read, great tools, unique concepts brought out very well
and my latest obsession:
** The power of habit – unbelievable blend of fascinating, practical, inspiring, anecdotal, intellectual, and USEFUL! 🙂 quick easy read as well
Have a wonderful week, thanks for always inspiring!
I’m glad “Anything but Typical” was in the end ok for you. I thought the perspective of the Aspie would be somewhat helpful to read, his feelings about his parents especially. It is a sad book though. For other autism-related middle-grade books, my kid loved “Counting by Sevens”. “Al Capone does my Laundry” has a sibling with autism; let me warn that there is also an ambiguous insinuation late in the book of a possible molestation–my 11-yr-old couldn’t figure out what was going on with that scene and I didn’t want to explain; otherwise it’s pretty interesting as a historical novel of kids living on Alcatraz in the 1950s with parents who work in the prison. Also, not autism but an amazing story of a kid with cerebral palsy who is completely underestimated by those around her is “Out of my Mind” by Sharon Draper.
SBW, LOVED “Out of my Mind.”
I truly enjoyed Quiet, by Susan Cain. It was like cheerleading for my introverted self.
Thank you for this list!