Hey OOTOB readers and especially OOTOB commenters,
I’ve been communicating with a publisher and copyright lawyer about the idea of taking our most controversial posts (read: interesting conversations) here on OOTOB and publishing them into a book. Here’s the rub: your comments, according to copyright law, belong to you, not to me.
So I’ve added a disclaimer in the comment section about me using your comments for the future, but for past posts, I’d like to know if you commenters are comfortable with me using your comments in the book.
If you have commented in this forum, and do NOT wish to give permission for your content to be used in book form, or any other form, please let me know, either here or by email at [email protected].
If you are OK with me using your content, please likewise let me know.
Thank you!
I love the idea of you creating a book from our discussions, but I'd prefer it if you gave my comments a pseudonym. I've always posted under a name that is very easily traced to me.
Thanks –
I'm not sure why, but I'd prefer you don't use my material. Thanks.
Feel free to use my stuff. This is why I self censor.
I'm not sure yet.
I would want the opportunity to comb over my comments for identifying info. I think I've referred to places, origins, institutions that I'd want to modify or delete.
It would be sad not to have Tesyaa's comments, they have been so interesting.
I hope this means there will be more controversy coming our way here soon!
I'm okay with my comments being used. I also like miriambyk's pseudonym suggestion.
Just a thought on your disclaimer: You've now covered yourself so that you can use everyone's future comments whether they like it or not. But do you really want to? Given all the objections here and on your Facebook post, I see two possibilities: First, people will comment without reading the disclaimer or at least without thinking too deeply about it, and then they'll be annoyed with you. Second, people will take it seriously and not comment, so you'll lose out on some really good comments. How about if you leave the disclaimer in place just to cover yourself but not act on it? In other words, ask for permission anyway, but if you goof, you won't be sued.
I don't remember whether I have ever posted a comment here, but if I have, I would be honored if you deemed it worthy of inclusion in a book.
–Neil Parks
I'm perfectly fine with you using my comments. However, once the book is out, I want a copy dedicated by you 🙂
Ditto to what 'W' above said 😉
Permission granted.
Permission granted, but please no name – use "Anonymous". It's a great idea! Good luck!!!
But if the blog stays up as is, unless the comments included in the book are edited so heavily as to be nearly unrecognizable, it would be the work of a few minutes – maybe even a few seconds – for someone with way too much time on his/her hands to search for matching text and connect any "anonymous" referred to in the book with the handle used here for these comments. I don't see that this would offer anyone any insulation.
Permission granted, but please no name – use "Anonymous". It's a great idea! Good luck!!!
Good for you, Ruchi! Permission granted–for my guest post (if you want to use it) and any and all comments!
Was Glory's first exposure to the Jewish Community was through Chabad? I think She worked at Camp Chabad when it was in Russel Township many years ago.
FYI. At this time I am not comfortable printing comments, since too many of my commenters are not okay with it. Hopefully there will still be a book! I'll keep you updated! Thanks, everyone!