Dateline:  child is 5 years old.

Rabbi, I’d love to come to that class/Shabbat dinner/program/event, but we really can’t.  My daughter is in a dance recital/my son is in a basketball tournament.  Maybe next time.  Hopefully next time.  For sure next time!
Dateline:  child is a teen.
Rabbi, I’m so distraught.  My kids are so disinterested in Judaism.  They’re so busy with school and sports, it just really doesn’t mean much to them right now.  I worry about their future.  What will Judaism mean to them on college campuses?
What we say:
I’m so sorry.  Maybe we can meet with him/her?  Talk, take a class, a program?  Trip to Israel?  Birthright?

What we think:
Where were you when your child was 5?  If you will prioritize Judaism over dancing and basketball when your child is 5, your child will have a chance at Judaism winning over dancing and basketball as a teen.
Ask yourself this tough question, and really dig deep for the answer:
When your kid is a teen, would you prefer that your kid be a professional dancer?  Basketball player?  And what are the chances of that happening? Or a professional Jew?  One who’s well-trained, proud, and skilled?