Dear readers,

This post is a little off the beaten track for me, but I’ve been sick about the news out of Boston.  I keep hearing people talk about praying for Boston, but I know that many Jews have a hard time praying, whether formally or organically.  Here is a short prayer that I will be saying tonight at candle-lighting.  Feel free to say it as well and share, or use it to inspire your own.

“Dear G-d,

I’ve been struggling all week with the Boston bombing.  It’s so hard for me to understand how these things happen.  But G-d, I recognize, in my mind if not emotionally, that You have Your ways and Your plans that are unfathomable to me.

I can’t control evil, but I can fight it by bringing a little more goodness into the world.  And so G-d, I would like to use these moments to show faith and compassion by praying.

Please, G-d, bring comfort to the innocent families of the victims.  Please bring healing to the injured.  Help all of them to heal in their bodies and minds, and to heal in their faith in the essential goodness of this world.  Help them and us heal in understanding that while there is evil in this world, it is mostly a good place with mostly good people.  Restore their faith in humanity.  Help them to rebuild normal lives. 

And please G-d, assist the law enforcement professionals in ending evil.  Bring justice, that we may live in peace and joy, and may we remember You in those moments as well.”
Shabbat shalom,