So we’re all saying the confessional, yesterday. And we self-flagellate, symbolically, mostly. And we say we did all those things. But here’s the small problem:

*I didn’t actually do all those things.*

To be sure, I did some of them. Most of them. Many repeatedly and habitually. And maybe for some of the crimes I didn’t commit, I was nevertheless negligent in ways I am unaware. (Sorry for the abstract language but I confess to God alone and in no way am giving specifics here!)

What am I to think when I beat my chest and declare “I did it” when I’m pretty sure I didn’t do it?


Maybe it means I was too unruffled when I saw others trespassing on this value.

Maybe it means I didn’t do enough to be an example in this area.

Maybe it means I’ve plateaued and have stopped striving to improve.

Maybe I’ve overlooked this value in a very subtle form.

And maybe I’m apologizing on behalf of an unknown fellow Jew simply because we are all connected and all mutually responsible.

(I like the last one best.)

Wishing all my readers a beautiful year.